Fischer Hall

8-1-09 Leslie + Anthony Wedding II by Melanie Grizzel

been together for 7 years they look they are still in their honeymoon phase. Very refreshing!

I stand by it, that wedding was fantastic, so much fun, so many traditions, such great food and friends. Leslie is a photographer herself so making the photographer choice was difficult for her and her documentary film making husband, Anthony. I was honored just to have made the cut.

Strange but true, in the course of our getting to know each other, Leslie and I found that we attended the same college AND had the same professor and probably crossed paths at his wake last year. RIP Peter.
The wedding was help @ Fischer Hall in Fischer, Texas. It's a giant hardwood open canvas, a fantastic find for the budget conscience and imaginative bride. Located only 1 hour outside of Austin proper. It's worth a gander.
Here are some images of the event and as always you can see more on facebook, so please become a fan she-n-he photography and design. 
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Be well.

Austin Wedding Photography and Design

8-1-09 Leslie + Anthony Wedding by Melanie Grizzel

That was THE best wedding ever. This couple didn't have the biggest budget in the world or anytime at all to plan, just 6 weeks, but their attention to detail was unsurpassed. They injected Greek culture and tradition all over the place. It was spectacular. I suffered a teeny little cut from a flying plate, during the tradtional plate breaking, but it was worth it! Their family and friends were so welcoming, I felt like family while I was there, I even got "How do you know the couple?" "Oh you're ONLY the photographer ." ;) I get that all the time...
I know it's WAY too early to be picking favorites but this might be my favorite. I'll have to get back to you on that. I promise to be adding more this week.
Thanks for looking.

Austin Wedding Photography and Design